Victor Basili
Professor Emeritus
(301) 405-2668
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Special Awards/Honors:
ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
Victor Basili is a professor emeritus of computer science in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
His research focuses on empirical software engineering. Shaping the field from its inception, Basili was the first to claim that software engineering needed to follow the model of other physical sciences and develop an experimental paradigm.
Go here to view Basili‘s academic publications on Google Scholar.
2011. A case study of measuring process risk for early insights into software safety. Software Engineering (ICSE), 2011 33rd International Conference on. :623-632.
2011. An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (2003–2007 and 2004–2008). Journal of Systems and Software. 84(1):162-168.
2010. Are developers complying with the process: an XP study. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. :14:1–14:10-14:1–14:10.
2010. Learning Through Application: The Maturing ofthe QIP in the SEL. Making Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe ItMaking Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe It. :65-65.
2010. Linking Software Development and Business Strategy Through Measurement. Computer. 43(4):57-65.
2010. Obtaining valid safety data for software safety measurement and process improvement. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. :46:1–46:4-46:1–46:4.
2009. Scope error detection and handling concerning software estimation models. Proceedings of the 2009 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. :123-132.
2009. Tool supported detection and judgment of nonconformance in process execution. Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2009. ESEM 2009. 3rd International Symposium on. :312-323.
2009. Maturing Software Engineering Knowledge through Classifications: A Case Study on Unit Testing Techniques. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 35(4):551-565.
2009. Using uncertainty as a model selection and comparison criterion. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Predictor Models in Software Engineering. :18:1–18:9-18:1–18:9.
2009. An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (2002–2006). Journal of Systems and Software. 82(8):1370-1373.
2008. The ASC-Alliance Projects: A Case Study of Large-Scale Parallel Scientific Code Development. Computer. 41(3):50-58.
2008. A Framework for Software Engineering Experimental Replications. Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2008. ICECCS 2008. 13th IEEE International Conference on. :203-212.
2008. Understanding the High-Performance-Computing Community: A Software Engineer's Perspective. Software, IEEE. 25(4):29-36.
2008. A pilot study to compare programming effort for two parallel programming models. Journal of Systems and Software. 81(11):1920-1930.
2008. Adopting Curvilinear Component Analysis to Improve Software Cost Estimation Accuracy. Model, Application Strategy, and an Experimental Verification. In G. Visaggio (Ed.), 12 th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. BCS eWIC.
2008. An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (2001–2005). Journal of Systems and Software. 81(6):1059-1062.
2007. Get Your Experience Factory Ready for the Next Decade–Ten Years after "How to Build and Run One". Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering. :167-168.
2007. Empirical studies to build a science of computer science. Communications of the ACM. 50(11):33-37.
2007. Experimenting with software testbeds for evaluating new technologies. Empirical Software Engineering. 12(4):417-444.
2007. Protocols in the use of empirical software engineering artifacts. Empirical Software EngineeringEmpirical Software Engineering. 12:107-119.
2006. Identifying domain-specific defect classes using inspections and change history. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering. :346-355.
2006. The Goal Question Metric Approach. 5th ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE’06).
2006. The past, present, and future of experimental software engineering. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. 12(3):7-12.
2006. Observations about software development for high end computing. CTWatch Quarterly. 2(4A):33-38.
2006. An empirical study to compare two parallel programming models. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures. :114-114.
2006. Experiments to understand HPC time to development. CTWatch Quarterly.
2005. Combining self-reported and automatic data to improve programming effort measurement. Proceedings of the 10th European software engineering conference held jointly with 13th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering. :356-365.
2005. An evolutionary testbed for software technology evaluation. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 1(1):3-11.
2005. Iterative enhancement: a practical technique for software development. Foundations of Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. BasiliFoundations of Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. Basili. 1:28-28.
2005. A metric space for productivity measurement in software development. Proceedings of the second international workshop on Software engineering for high performance computing system applications. :13-16.
2005. Generating testable hypotheses from tacit knowledge for high productivity computing. Proceedings of the second international workshop on Software engineering for high performance computing system applications. :17-21.
2005. Measuring productivity on high performance computers. 11th IEEE International Symposium on Software Metric.
2005. Using measurement to build core competencies in software. Seminar sponsored by Data and Analysis Center for Software.
2005. Evolving and packaging reading technologies. Foundations of Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. BasiliFoundations of Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. Basili. 1:362-362.
2005. Metrics of software architecture changes based on structural distance. IEEE METRICS. :8-8.
2004. Spiral acquisition of software-intensive systems of systems. CrossTalk. :4-9.
2004. Empirical-based estimation of the effect on software dependability of a technique for architecture conformance verification. Proceedings of the ICSE 2004 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems, Edinburgh, UK.
2004. New year’s resolutions for software quality. IEEE Software. 21(1):12-13.
2004. Studying code development for high performance computing: the HPCS program. First International Workshop On Software Engineering for High Performance Computing System Applications. :32-32.
2004. Challenges in Measuring HPCS Learner Productivity in an Age of Ubiquitous Computing: The HPCS Program. In Proceedings of ICSE Workshop on High Productivity Computing. May 2004.
2003. Replicated studies: building a body of knowledge about software reading techniques. SERIES ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING. 12:39-84.
2003. Iterative and incremental developments. a brief history. Computer. 36(6):47-56.
2003. Eight lessons learned during COTS-based systems maintenance. Software, IEEE. 20(5):94-96.
2003. Matching Software Measurements to Business Goals. Keynote Address at the 2003 Software Management Conference, San Jose, California.
2003. User interface evaluation and empirically-based evolution of a prototype experience management tool. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 29(9):838-850.
2002. An operational process for goal-driven definition of measures. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 28(12):1106-1125.
2002. COTS-based software development: Processes and open issues. Journal of Systems and Software. 61(3):189-199.
2002. The Experience factory organization. IEEE Software. 19(3):30-31.
2002. A light-weight process for capturing and evolving defect reduction experience. Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE International Conference on. :129-132.
2002. Lessons learned from 25 years of process improvement: the rise and fall of the NASA software engineering laboratory. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering. :69-79.
2002. Empirical evaluation of techniques and methods used for achieving and assessing software high dependability. Proc. DSN Workshop on Dependability Benchmarking.
2002. Empirical findings in agile methods. Extreme Programming and Agile Methods—XP/Agile Universe 2002. :81-92.
2002. What we have learned about fighting defects. Software Metrics, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE Symposium on. :249-258.
2002. Experience in implementing a learning software organization. Software, IEEE. 19(3):46-49.
2001. An experience management system for a software engineering research organization. Software Engineering Workshop, 2001. Proceedings. 26th Annual NASA Goddard. :29-35.
2001. Software Defect Reduction Top 10 List. Computer. 34(1):135-137.
2001. Implementing the Experience Factory concepts as a set of Experience Bases. Proc. 13th Int’l Conf. Software Eng. and Knowledge Eng. :102-109.
2001. Building an Experience Base for Software Engineering: A report on the first CeBASE eWorkshop. Product Focused Software Process Improvement. :110-125.
2001. COTS-based systems top 10 list. Computer. 34(5):91-95.
2001. Editorial: Open source and empirical software engineering. Empirical Software Engineering. 6(3):193-194.
2001. A prototype experience management system for a software consulting organization. Thirteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. :29-36.
2000. The experimental validation and packaging of software technologies. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 25(1):82-83.
1999. Perspective-based Usability Inspection: An Empirical Validation of Efficacy. Empirical Software Engineering. 4(1):43-69.